Saturday, September 10, 2011

Get Pinned!

You might remember I signed off Facebook for good.  (well, sorta for good...I do sneak a peek here and there on Papa's account.)  I now spend less time and emotional energy on facebooking and have more to give elsewhere. (children)  I am not as far behind on housework, I am more organized and crafty, meals are prepared, babies snuggled, and bedtime stories are not (often) rushed to get back to my laptop.  Yes, I highly recommend ditching FB.  (I wish that all my friends would and then I wouldn't feel so left out.)

 I have found a wonderful much more positive time sucker-Pinterest!  I am having a lot of fun there.  It's similar to Tumblr, minus the porn, and -bonus! you can easily pin from anywhere you are online.  Best of all, it is just me and eye candy- so it never brings me down.  If you are there, you can find me here.  I don't have much pinned yet and I'd love to see what you have.


  1. I keep hearing about Pinterest but haven't even looked yet!

    I am not a fan of FB, I've had to use it more and more recently cos I'm using it for clients but I try really hard to avoid it for me.

    I'll have to have a look at Pinterest!

  2. I'm on Pinterest. I LOVE it. I'll find you. My link is

  3. I found ya. I love Pinterest! Much more interesting than facebook IMO

  4. Local reader here and I enjoy your blog! I'm on Pinterest as well -

  5. I have requested an invite hopefully I can check it out soon. Thanks!

  6. Oooohhh...I have heard about Pinterest - I'll have to check it out!

  7. ohhh Pinterest addict!!!! love love love...and i too have been spending less time on facebook....yeah!!!ok gonna go looky at your pinboard:)


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