Thursday, November 10, 2011

Pinafore Destiny

Funny thing, yesterday when I was wishing I looked half way decent in overalls, I realized the next best thing would be a pinafore.  I looked at a few patterns....
 But do not sew.

What a coincidence that Mary Deluxe had a post the same day regarding a giveaway at The Black Pinafore.  I totally want this....

I entered the give away and so should you!  (even if that make us competitors)

Wait a minute....
I just realized something else.  I had saved this picture of Tasha of by gum, by golly for a post on Fall looks I love.  She is wearing a Black Pinafore creation.

As you can see it is destiny that I, one day soon, have one of these babies as my own. 


  1. Hee hee! And here I was going to say that you should totally get one of her pinafore skirts because I love, love, love mine so much! ♥

  2. I can totally see you in one of those!

  3. OMG that's right Tasha was wearing a Black Pinafore creation!

    Small word...6 degrees of separation stuff isn't it!


  4. I love that look on Tasha hadn't realised that it was the same company Mary D posted about! I do love those, no wonder they are on my mind so much at the moment with all you gals posting about them, might have a go myself!

  5. Black Pinafore stuff is great and so is NudeeDudee where the lovely Kim makes some great pinafores too. I got a lovely one made to my measurements and chose the fabric out of her range :D


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